Saturday 14th
Today we left York and made our way down the M1 (amongst a variety of other Ms, and As) to Mobberley. We would like to have had
another day around York (pretty much like everywhere else!!) and taken a trip out to Whitby but time moves on regardless. As we drove past Bootham Bar (one of the main gates to York city) we were reminded of the guide telling us that in York ... the streets are called gates, the gates are called bars, and the bars are called pubs.
Managed to get to Denise and Ebrahim's home without too much hassle (and David got to see a fox on the road just near their place) and had a chance to see around Knutsford and Alderley Edge before the family get together in the afternoon.

It was lovely to catch up with extended family, see who was like who and fill in a gap or two about who in the family did what, and when. Again, it was strange to be in the same room with relatives who have only been names for so many years and equally strange to think that most of them, we may never get to meet face to face again. All the same it was great to have had that chance at least and will make communicating by email etc that much more real.

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