Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mobberley to Stratford Upon Avon

After a leisurely start to the day, Ebrahim drove us to meet Kassam at the Rambler Inn at Edale.

The general area is beautiful and we got to spend a relaxing few hours in the sun!!! About 200m up the road from the Rambler is the Old Nag’s Head

which has been there since 1577 and is the starting place for walking the Penine Way (goes right through to Scotland) but unfortunately we didn’t have enough time to start off on that expedition (lol) although there were plenty of Sunday walkers geared up for some serious walking up to the first ridge. This area is devoid of trees once up higher on the hills and therefore open to the weather so although the walking is not all that rugged, the conditions can be.

Returned from the really enjoyable drive to Ebrahim and Denise’s via a drive-by of the Stockport Arms (which is soon to become an Italian Coffee house under the guidance of Kassam) only to pack up and say our goodbyes to my Dad’s side of the family until one of us to arranges being in the same country again. We arrived in Stratford-Upon-Avon in time for a quick look around and tea before dark. Staying at a B&B which used to be a monastic farm which is beautifully preserved and rebuilt and has sheep outside the window.

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